I am passionate about Data Driven policy.

Ahmednoor enjoys working and reading on cutting-edge policies that can transform communities and people. Throughout his career whether its leading impactful projects at PHASE SO, Communication specialist at SWCCA, a Data analyst, an experienced youth empowerment leader through First Forward Initiative, or a researcher and author of the  memoir ‘Walk of Hope’ –  life through a journey of a 1200 km Peace walk, Ahmednoor has been passionate with working within his community for change. With a track record at leading development teams in Non-governmental Organizations and  writing winning grant proposals, whilst being passionate policy innovations that leads to positive impact in our communities.


With a background in Community service and volunteerism, toppings of Politics, Philosophy and Psychology and a dressing that involves high interest in data driven policy through looking for impact generating solutions to match my interest in politics. 

 Career highlights include 

  • Developing strategic policy plans, generating advocacy and lobbying for policy action along the lines of human rights, environmental protection and peace and security, through the 1000km walk dubbed the walk of Hope and developing targeted presentations to communicate key messaging and initiatives throughout distinguished career for Nomad greenbelt movement and First Forward Initiative.
  • Evolving and continually optimizing  policy, communications, advocacy structure and infrastructure to achieve high-impact integrated programs within my community.
  • Diplomatic academy scholarship certificate holder from the Islamic Cooperation Youth forum.
  • Young African leadership Initiative Certificate holder. 
  • In my desire to learn how to merge my knowledge of politics and policies i am currently taking data science courses on Udemy and Coursera. The ability to transform non-traditional information sources such as text, images, and transactional records into data allows quantitative analysis to penetrate the policy process more deeply than ever before. A skill set am excited to master.
ahmednoor saleh


While it may appear that the current politics disincentives honesty and good work, it is only when a critical mass of principled representatives become part of the system that we will have the power to change it.

Through my community organizational activities over the years, i have come to the realization that Politics is an arena where most pivotal decisions are made and hence the need to organize to be in power and to have a proper opportunity to represent the voice of the people through a leadership that understands the needs and struggles of the people and to be able to offer solutions driven by policy that is backed by data.

While our first attempt at political office in the 2017  General Elections in Kenya to represent the people  of  Garissa County  was unsuccessful,  my desire and resolution for political office remains high. Backed with more experience, knowledge and better skills to make even better policy solutions will stand me in good stead in future.

Youth Empowerment.

I have been president of the Fast forward initiative, a community based initiative to enable young people access leadership development trainings and mentorship  and help them create a stake in their future which over saw 300 leadership trainings, 27,627 beneficiaries. I have Led a 1000 km peace walk dubbed the walk of hope, an initiative commended for its efforts to peace and security by the UN office Nairobi.
Contributing towards harnessing youths potential as active citizen for peace and development in the larger North Eastern Region, this initiative has set the  agenda for empowerment of marginalized youth from different areas in the region. With objectives to encourage  active citizenship and to identify and promote young change-makers whose leadership will catalyze the achievement of the development of the potential of their communities.  
Signing of certificates at the Kenya National Youth Summit


The single most important event that has had a profound  impact on my life. In 2015, after the heinous attack of our only university in Garissa county by the cowardly terrorist act of Al-Shabaab where 149 students lost their lives, the core of our belief and hope were shaken. To heal the wounds, to preach tolerance, to reinvigorate the belief of my people that the trust and interactions  that we cherished as a community  should never be damaged by the fear installed in us, that it was at such moment when we needed to come together and join hands to re-energize our purpose of unity, I organized a 1200km peace walk along the breadth of my what was formerly called North Eastern Province. 

A lifetime event for most of us, our efforts to foster peace and security in the region was recognized by the United Nations office in Nairobi when on the occasion of its 70th year celebrations, the walk was feted for its efforts to peace and security in the region. 

The experience and stories from the walk will now  be revealed all this January in my upcoming memoir ‘My walk of Hope’ depicting the walk through my eyes and vivid experiences as we crisscrossed the region.  I am excited to taking this path to putting my thoughts about such a life changing experience into writing. 

Policy Advocacy.

My Advocacy campaigns have encompassed a wide range of activities that encourages to have an impact on decision making. From the local level to the National level, i have had the massive opportunity to interact and share key issues affecting my community. Such initiatives have encouraged the capacity to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number of people and communities that we volunteer and  serve through raising awareness of our various campaigns.


Together with North Eastern Professional association members meeting with president Uhuru Kenyatta after the completion of the walk of hope.
At the First Forward initiative mentorship programs

Community Service.

Whether it’s collecting, organizing, teaching, volunteering in any way,  or something else, i have always looked for an idea that inspires me to get out there and serve my community.  





Language and skills.

  • Somali
  • English
  • Swahili
  • Arabic (A2)
  • Turkish