Category POLICY


Analysis of Women’s Involvement in Household Decision Making The bar graph above displays the responses to the question “Are women involved in the household decision making process?” within the dataset. Here is the distribution: Insights: 1. Overall Involvement: This graph…

Streamlining Investment Processes in Garissa County

Executive Summary Garissa County, situated in northeastern Kenya, currently faces a critical challenge in its investment climate. Cumbersome bureaucratic processes, ambiguous regulatory frameworks, and unclear land tenure systems deter potential investors, hindering the economic development of the region. Recognizing the…

Improving Access to Healthcare in Garissa County, Kenya

Executive Summary Garissa County in Kenya faces significant challenges in providing access to healthcare services, particularly for vulnerable populations in rural and remote areas. These challenges are rooted in a complex interplay of factors, including infrastructure limitations, human resource shortages,…

Enhancing Public Sector Innovation in Garissa County

Executive Summary Garissa County, situated in Kenya, faces significant challenges in its public sector, hindering efficient service delivery and overall development. The need for enhanced public sector innovation is critical to address these challenges and align with global development objectives,…

M&E: The Key to Creating Impactful Projects

Have you ever wondered why some development projects succeed while others fail? The answer lies in the planning and implementation of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities. M&E is a systematic process of collecting and analysing data to measure the progress…